I'm sure I remember (yearrrrrrrrrs ago) pressing a certain combo of buttons and being presented with a Doom-style drop-down "console" screen... it was a sortqa beige colour... anybody know what I mean??
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
Ctrlalt+Z for me, immediate right from pipe, but I dont use eng keyboard. Have to have console line (tell or ~, doesnt seem to matter) open. I've always found it an annoyance, though.
Last edited by synthetic on Thu Apr 07, 11 6:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
The console thing he is talking about is way worse than just bringing the line up, once you brought it up by accident, iirc you cant get rid of it unless you figure out the right key combination again, plus you cant see a damn thing. Very fun.