Just coz I felt like it - here's some stuff I found out today.
The DX game-maker-ppl WANTED Deus Ex to be reverse-engineered.
#1 - The sound at the end of the credits (which is also the sound used by Allan's holy statue), played in reverse, says "Buy more movies of Deus Ex" (I think - it's unclear).
#2 - If you extract the title music umx file, and fuck about with it in ModPlug Tracker, switch to comments view, it says: "Deus Ex main title, by Alexander Brandon of Straylight Productions. Exclusively for Ion Storm (c)2000 "what is your cause and who do you obey?""
#3 - Hidden within sample names in the file for the Quotes Music, it says "Nightwatch - free her temptation".
#4 - In NYCBar_Music2 file it says simply "lame you are, and to what". It also says the original music was written by someone called Reeves Gabrels, converted to MOD by Alex Brandon. 'Woop 2000!'"
#5 - Lebedev Airfield music was created by Michiel Van De Bos, and his email addy is included: MCA@QUICKNET.NL
Also it says at the bottom, MCA2000!
#6 -NYCStreets2 has an uber-long comment thingy. It says:
"With my bowing out of Straylight productions and the release of this project you may note similarities between this piece and the style of necros (andrew sega)
if so, there is no shame as this is probably going to be my last MOD released to the public, and what better way to pay homage to one of my favourites and colleague in arms
there is no doubt he and others have had a profound impact on my music and as my friend Josh Rodman says "its one of your strengths, don't shy away from it"
peace... 2000"
And there's more, but I won't bore you, check 'em out yoselves.