I have serious problems with unreal replication, im trying to make a multiplayer ATM that stores money in a mutator, that can then be configured and saved via ini file... only problem is, i'm one of the world's biggest nubs with unreal replication, and after trying a dozen or so combinations... i'm up short on the variables, the functions are executing right, but the atm's being denied access to the variables, to be more specific.
below is all the code you should need to help me, provided your interested, of course.
for reference, a window is triggering a command in the atm, which is in turn triggering command in the mutator, which is then accessing its own variables, but simply because it's being accessed from an outside source, it's not working...
var config string AccountIPs[100];
var config int AccountBalances[100];
reliable if (role == ROLE_Authority)
GetAccountNum, GetAccountBalance, MakeNewAccount, AddAccountBalance, SubAccountBalance;
reliable if (role < ROLE_Authority)
AccountIPs, AccountBalances;